WHERE TO BUY The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse (Shortlisted for The Selfies Book Awards 2025)
AVAILABLE NOW from Argonaut Books (Edinburgh), Books (Peckham), The Common Press (East London), Gay’s The Word (Central London), Juniper by the Sea (online + pop-up), Juno Books (Sheffield), Scarlett Letters (East London), The Queery (Brighton) and Writing our Legacy.
“Important and serious subject matter with an amiably witty narration style.”
“Honest, poignant, absurd and an absolute joy.”
“This tender series hooked onto my heart and refused to leave.”
“Hilarious and shocking.”
“An essential read.”
“Consistently revindicates the right to rest in the face of a capitalistic ideology of ceaseless productivity.”
“Does what memoirs do at their very best.”
Summer 2025 - Author interviewed on a podcast. Details will be revealed!
Summer 2025 - Author interview on Panel Borders Podcast by Alex Fitch released online.
The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse is a comic book about defying multiple, hidden challenges and daring to tell one’s story as a fish out of the water creative in a norm-core world refusing to believe you exist. Shortlisted for The Selfies Award 2025 for general non-fiction.
37 self-contained yet interwoven colourful short stories, based on the unique (yet relatable) lived experiences of a British-born Chinese, trans, neurodivergent artist. Recommended for ages 14+.
Dialling in from the swamp of the model-minority myth, this adorable huddle of fragments features interactions with Chinese parents, awkward 90s goth teen times, romance, aliens and cats. Muddling through mental health journeys, playful, subversive moments and friends in unexpected places. #cosytrauma
‘90s Teen from The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse.
Reviews for The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse
What’s so notable here is the way in which the Mollusc Dimension combines important and serious subject matter with an amiably witty narration style. It ensures greater empathy from the audience, and the frequent forays into bizarrely imaginative imagery back this up… Autobiographical material with an added flourish.
Read the full review in Broken Frontier by Andy Oliver
I love me a neologism, and 'surviverie' has broken into my top five. Life really is a string of surviveries, isn't it? The Mollusc Dimension (TMD)'s comic autobiography does what memoirs do at their very best - he offers the hug of relatability to the reader whilst detailing the specificities of his life.
Read the full review in Snack Mag by Natalie Jayne Clark
Consistently revindicates the right to rest in the face of a capitalistic ideology of ceaseless productivity.
Read the full review in AutCasts Recommends: Neurodivergent Memoirs by Aisling Walsh
Despite some of the difficult topics covered, the art style made every story accessible and was filled with heart, warmth and honesty. The entire book felt like a hug, or a friend holding your hand as they tell you their story...”The Weird and Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse” is honest, poignant, absurd and an absolute joy.
Read the full review by Mel Piper
A wonderful visualisation of the ESEA diaspora experience… These narratives speaks to our desires; to be seen, allowed space to grow and above all...humanise. This tender series hooked onto my heart and refused to leave…This collection inspires and reminds all of us to seek joy and meaningful connections.
Read the full review by Wing yee on IG @WingReads
If you’ve written a review of The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse, I’d love to know!
Review The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse on Goodreads
Praise for The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse
If I had a copy of WWSSH growing up, navigating the world as a creative and East Asian would have felt less lonely. Reading this comic had a cathartic effect on me... An essential read.
Amy Phung - Artist and Besea.n Co-founder
[Read the full review here, or on Besea.n’s Instagram post]
The Mollusc Dimension’s work has always been boldly alternative to the mainstream,giving a voice to people like me, who don’t fit neatly into boxes. His vulnerability in sharing personal stories is truly inspiring. Transforming personal experiences into art takes courage - “The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries” of Squid Horse is a testament to that.
Fox Fisher - Artist, Author and Film-maker
A truly brilliant and surreal explosion of creativity... By turn hilarious and shocking, The Mollusc Dimension opens up a new world for us, where we can dare to imagine ourselves and our worlds otherwise. Beautifully drawn and written, this work captures the spirit of our times with grace and humour, inviting us “to find safety in the jaws of magic. [read the full review here]
Dr. Diana Yeh - ESEA Hub and City, University of London
[Read Dr. Yeh’s full review here]
WWSSH Book Editor Shaven Raven Designs - Black, queer artist (she/they) says:
As a lifelong comic and graphic novels fan, I can tell you that NOTHING like this book exists. It’s a project that will absolutely have deep and wide cultural value. The stories of '3rd culture kids' (in this instance, a British-born child of immigrants from the ESEA community) are often forgotten when speaking about the British experience. Not to mention navigating queer identities within that already complex cultural framework. We should all be excited that we will get to witness something truly groundbreaking.
Written and drawn by: The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse by The Mollusc Dimension
ISBN: 978-1-80517-723-4
Editor: Shaven Raven Designs
Forewords by: Kim Chin and Dominique Duong
ISBN: 978-1-80517-723-4
Page count: 76 (plus cover)
Recommended for ages 14+
Content notes: This book explores various traumas affecting mental health including discrimination, racism and sexual violence.
Potential discussion topics which appear in The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse: anxiety, autobiography, British Asian / British Chinese culture, community (what it means and how to find it), cosy trauma, creativity for mental health, depression, ESEA culture, East Asian heritage, family, food, gender, grief, growing up in the 80s/90s, humour (finding it during difficult times), LGBTIQA+ identities, mental health, queerness, music, nature, neurodivergence, non binary identity, piano, relationships as marginalised person, transness, traumatic bereavement - and more!
#BritishChineseComics #CosyTrauma #ESEAbooks #MentalHealthComics #QueerESEAComics #TransBooks
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Why is the sea pink?… Find out about the meanings of the artwork in the cover design for my comic book.
I am grateful to everyone who has been a part of this project so far including: The Shaven Raven (Book Editor), Kim Chin, Dominique Duong, Rachael House, Boe Studios, Dr. Puck Fletcher, Eris Young, Lydia Stockbridge, Christy Ku and Suyin Haynes, Amy Phung, Eris Young, Dr. Jamie Pei, Len Lukowski, Lishan Chan, Maisie Chan, MG Zimeta, Peter Collins and many more!
Thank you to EVERYONE who supported me by reading, buying, borrowing, sharing about this book and/or my zines and supporting me on social media. Your efforts mean so much!
Thank you to London Writers' Salon, where I wrote my funding apps and developed and edited the book for many hours.
Many thanks to Arts Council England for funding The Weird & Wonderful Surviveries of Squid Horse using National Lottery Funding.