QTIBIPOC Grief Map Story Space
I held a QTIBIPOC Grief Map Story Space on 29/12/21. I wished to reflect, explore and release a few things before the New Year. It felt good to create a space to encounter the diversity of loss in (hopefully) an inclusive way. Thank you to the other participants for bringing themselves and sharing their beautiful maps and stories. As a QTPOC, I find it hard to take space to and am glad to grow what feels like a belated tenderness.
This time last year I wanted to hold a conversation about grief. A year later, it happened. I am grateful for having experienced the QTIBIPOC Grief Retreat (organised by Raisa Kabir & Shiraz and co-facilitated by Bernice Mulenga) and have heard about grief events facilitated by June Bellebono and others). It would be cool to run some kind of session each season, but it may be more like mid-year.
Here is a Resource List that I shared at the end.
I played music from this playlist. It’s a mixture of DIY recordings and a few professional ones.
Track 8 is a different track by Wild which I find very beautiful and fitting.
The track I played “Fire in the Wild” is out on Bandcamp and Soundcloud but is not yet available on Youtube.
Tracks 10-11 are suggestions by two of the participants.
Below are the flyers from my event.
Bring something to share (poem, song, memory, object that connects to their grief_ - could be sad, funny, strange etc.)
We'll draw story maps.
Take turns to share/talk (3-5 min depends on numbers).
There will be gentle/magical music - some by me.
I feel drawn to create this space to reflect and release before the new year. It's the first time I'll have done this and think it's good to keep it small & to people I've already chatted to (online/IRL) - for this first one.
Camera on at least to say hello at the start if possible.
This event is for QTIBIPOC aged over 18 only.
Access: I regret that the event will not be captioned.
defined as feelings and/or experiences of loss or disconnection. This could be in relation to a person, physical or mental situation. Could be long ago, recent or continuing. Content notes for commonly difficult topics are requested to be mindful of everyone’s wellbeing. Please be aware that it’s a DIY creative space, not a substitute for therapy or counselling. [white fading to light orange text on purple block with rounded edges].
Hope to connect with you on creativity and grief. I’d like to know how you found it. Constructive feedback is also welcome. Thank you and take care. [light orange text on reddish-brown rectangular block with rounded edges].
- creativity
- mental health
- art
- writing
- storytelling
- performance
- trans
- music
- comics
- DIY culture
- video
- songwriting
- decoloniseeducation
- composing
- queerculture
- intersectional feminism
- photography
- poetry
- racism
- culture
- film
- neurodivergent artist
- teaching
- books
- asian
- britishcolonialism
- learning
- trauma
- family
- comedy
- employment
- animation
- interview
- physical health
- transcript
- grief
- higher education
- motivation
- freelancing
- language
- politics
- science
- tv